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In 2019 Greif’s GIP facility in Ghent, Belgium took steps to further improve awareness on quality by conducting “Quality Day,” a four-hour workshop with a dedicated focus on quality in products, processes and customer service. A total of 89 colleagues participated, going through specific interactive sessions designed to provide participants a different perspective on quality and how it can be improved. Many colleagues reported that they gained better understanding of their specific contributions towards quality and were re-energized to make a positive difference in improving overall customer satisfaction.
In 2014, our CAR data indicated that leaks were the most common quality complaint from customers. In response, we initiated a Zero-Leak Program to eliminate leaks from our products. When a leak complaint was received, it was escalated to the regional vice president and general manager and our engineering team was tasked with developing a concrete resolution to the problem and disseminating it to all facilities. Our focus on reducing leaks led to a 67 percent reduction in leak complaints from 2014 to 2018, as well as significant improvements in leakers in our Tri-Sure business.
In 2020 we kicked off a new global quality task force specifically to look at our most prominent customer issues related to product quality. Our focus was to analyze both external and internal factors to determine common trends. Through this we determined that our largest internal issues also correlated with our largest external issues. The largest customer issue continues to be product integrity. The group developed various action plans aimed at resolving these internal issues with the ultimate goal of reducing our largest customer issues. New metrics were created to keep track of the progress of these initiatives.
Leaker Rate | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 |
Asia Pacific | 0.37 | 0.14 | 0.29 |
Europe, Middle East and Africa | 0.23 | 0.23 | 0.12 |
Nordamerika | 0.22 | 0.22 | 0.16 |
Latin America | – | – | 0.07 |
Greif’s Global Industrial Packaging facility in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia demonstrated customer service excellence when they rose to the occasion to solve a customer’s packaging crisis in the idle of the COVID-19 pandemic. An existing Greif customer discovered they were unable to secure unlined ultramarine blue drums, which were required to ship edible oil from one of Greif’s competitors. Since the facility did not offer that product at the time, the Petaling Jaya team quickly worked to prepare new artwork, obtain external drum color approval and create a new product stock keeping unit. The team immediately began production and secured transportation for the drums to meet the customer’s urgent need. Due to the responsiveness and ingenuity of the team in responding to this emergency, the customer has continued ordering the product from Greif.
Greif’s Dalton, Georgia, PPS Recycling facility works closely with local flooring manufacturing plants to provide recycling services for tubes and cores, a significant waste stream produced by the industry. These same flooring manufacturers are also customers of Greif’s recycled paperboard tubes and cores. When the price for old corrugated cardboard (OCC) dropped in 2019, it became uneconomical to recycle these tubes and cores at market price. Greif engaged with the flooring manufacturers to develop a sustainable, circular solution that keeps waste out of landfills and allows Greif to continue providing our customers with excellent service and 100 percent recycled paperboard. Under the new business model, Greif receives payment for managing recyclable waste streams allowing us to process these materials and then send to our paper mills to manufacture 100 percent recycled paperboard.
Greif’s long-term health and safety aspiration is to achieve zero accidents at all our facilities worldwide. While we recognize the challenge of this aspiration, 20 of our Global Industrial Packaging (GIP) facilities including the following sites have achieved ten or more years of accident-free operations:
- Amaititlan, Guatemala – 14 years
- Midland Warehouse – 14 years
- Angarsk, Russia – 13 years
- Beloyarsky, Russia – 13 years
- Esteio, Brazil – 13 years
- Chino, USA – 13 years
- Volgograd, Russia – 13 years
- Vologda, Russia – 13 years
- Delta Cincinnati, USA -12 years
- Kazan, Russia – 12 years
- Manaus, Brazil – 12 years
- Mandra, Greece – 12 years
- Pioneer, Singapore – 12 years
- Rio de Janeiro – 12 years
- Huizhou, China – 11 years
- Mombasa, Kenya – 11 years
- Vung Tau, Vietnam – 11 years
- San Juan, Argentina – 10 years
- Delta Shanghai, China – 10 years
- Houston Plastic, USA – 10 years
Chairman’s Safety Excellence Award
Each facility that achieves an MCR of zero wins the Chairman’s Safety Excellence Award. Globally, 94 of our production facilities received the award in 2021 and were recognized at a virtual ceremony.
Inclusive Leadership Training
The Inclusive Leadership Journey is for people managers and senior leaders at Greif to learn about inclusive leadership. The program covers the foundations of inclusive leadership for global leaders to develop and exhibit inclusive behaviors in the workplace. The training goes in-depth about defining and discussing the impact of unconscious and implicit bias, best practices for inclusion and actionable steps, and examining the impact of inclusion. The learning journey includes a confidential assessment of current level of inclusive behavior for each participant and a personalized action plan for implementation of key topics. The sessions began in October 2021, and will continue through April 2022.
Diversity Week in LATAM
At Greif, we encourage and embrace our diversity of culture, language, location and thought. During the week of August 9-13, 2021, the Human Resources Teams in LATAM held a Diversity week event to educate our colleagues on the importance of respecting others and living The Greif Way. The week-long event included virtual learning sessions covering the topics of Unconscious Bias, Gender, Women & Career, Generations, LGBTQIA+ and Diversity of Origins / Ethnicity. In total, more than 700 colleagues participated.
Lasermarkierungen auf IBCs
Greif Sweden/Nordic ist das erste Unternehmen auf dem Markt, das Tintenstrahlmarkierungen auf Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) durch Lasermarkierungen ersetzt und so den Einsatz von lösemittelhaltiger Tinte während der Produktion reduziert. Durch den Verzicht auf Lösungsmittel und Tinte ist die Produktionsumgebung sauberer. Außerdem können wir das Gewicht des IBCs um ein Kilogramm reduzieren, indem wir die traditionell für die Lasermarkierung verwendete Platte entfernen. Wir glauben, dass diese Innovation einen neuen Standard für Markierungen auf IBCs setzen wird.
Knock Down Drums (KDD) für abgelegene Standorte
Greif's Knock-Down-Trommeln (KDD) Greifs Knock Down Drums (KDD) bieten die optimale nachhaltige Lösung für den Transport von Stahlfässern an entlegene Standorte. Halbfertige Fassteile werden versandt und vor Ort mit minimalem Personal- und Ausrüstungsaufwand zusammengebaut. Das einzigartige Konzept ermöglicht den Transport von bis zu 1.176 KDDs in einem 20-Fuß-Seecontainer im Vergleich zu 80 vollfertigen Fässern. Dadurch wird wertvoller Platz gespart, die Transportkosten optimiert und der CO2-Fußabdruck unserer Kunden während längerer Transportzeiten minimiert. Die Fässer werden direkt an die Abfüllstation unserer Kunden geliefert, was zu einer Verbesserung der Effizienz durch minimale Lagerbestände und weniger manuelle Handhabung beiträgt.
- RIPS Naperville, Illinois: 100%
- RIPS Mendig, Germany: 98%
- RIPS Cologne, Germany: 98%
- RIPS Lockport, Illinois: 98%
- FPS Sultanbeyli, Turkey: 98%
- RIPS Europoort, Netherlands: 97%
- RIPS Attendorn, Germany: 96%
- RIPS Usti, Czech Republic: 95%
- RIPS Campana, Argentina: 83%
- RIPS Shanghai, China: 80%