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Greif Augusta


تسليط الضوء على الأنابيب_الحلول_الدائرية-الحد الأدنى

Greif Augusta

Paper Tubes & Cores

1414 Hayes Dr,
Augusta, GA 30901
الولايات المتحدة

Paper tube manufacturer in Augusta, Georgia

Greif is a paper tube manufacturer in Augusta, GA. The town is on the South Carolina and Georgia border. The tube and core production mill is located at 1414 Hayes Dr, Augusta, GA 30901.

Paper tubes, also known as cardboard tubes or paper cores, are cylindrical structures made of paper or cardboard. They are typically hollow and have open ends. Paper tubes are widely used in various industries due to their unique characteristics and versatility.

Augusta – Tubes & Cores
1414 هايز درايف
Augusta GA 30901
الولايات المتحدة
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