مرشحات عامة
المطابقات الدقيقة فقط
البحث في العنوان
البحث في المحتوى
البحث في المقتطف

معالجة المخاطر

Protecting our business, colleagues and stakeholders from risk is paramount to our sustained success. The principles that guide our business ensure we’re engaging in ethical behaviors and partnering with organizations that share our values, contributing to how we mitigate risk.

الأخلاقيات والامتثال
Creating a culture The Greif Way.
Risk Management & Business Continuity
Committed to building robust, effective risk management to quantify, qualify
and mitigate specific risks that we may define or discover.
Protecting our people and products, and the data we are trusted with.




Our people—principled, intelligent and reliable—reaffirm our reputation for integrity every day with their every action.


SOX Audits Completed

We work to ensure our internal policies are implemented and our operations are compliant with relevant regulations.

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