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متوفر في أمريكا الشمالية

أنابيب التفجير الشمعية للتطبيقات الرطبة

أنابيب التفجير الرطبة WRأنابيب التفجير الرطبة WR

Blasting tubes developed specifically for the lime rock aggregate industry and other mining applications.

These 100% recycled paperboard blasting tubes are specially formulated to withstand more water content due to the wax coating of both the interior and exterior of the tubes. This allows them to maintain their intregrity even when exposed to groundwater during the blasting pattern installment process.

Engineered for wet conditions

Engineered for high-water table environments, particularly in the Southeast US.


Customized to fit a variety of sized holes, both diameter of holes and length, in whatever set/quantity is needed.

Live load capabilities

Screened bottom segment allows for capture of liquid emulsion explosives. Live load available at our facility.

Waxed Blasting Tubes for Wet Applications Features

standards green

Choice of coupling method

Stapled insert or "swedged" cone style.

Stapled insert style waxed blasting tubes

A stapled insert style blasting tube features a removable nozzle inserted into the end of the tube and secured with staples or other fasteners. The driving force behind the design is the easy replacement of the nozzle when it becomes worn or damaged.

Swedged insert style waxed blasting tubes

A swedged cone style blasting tube features a permanent cone-shaped end attached to the blasting nozzle. The cone-shaped end of the tube is swaged, or compressed, around the nozzle to create a tight seal. The driving force behind this design is typically added durability and strength against potential leakage.

The specific needs and preferences of the user drive the choice of corrugated blasting tubes.

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