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تستعد شركة Greif لافتتاح منشأة تصنيع جديدة في تكساس

Greif Prepares For Opening of New Manufacturing Facility in Dallas, Texas

Greif is finalizing construction on their new bulk corrugated manufacturing facility in Dallas, Texas.

Scheduled to open later this spring, the new facility will significantly expand Greif’s capacity in the bulk corrugated business and create opportunities in the South and Southwest regions of the United States, as well as Mexico.

“We are delighted to establish this new facility in Dallas, Texas,” said Chris Zimmerman, Vice President – Containerboard & Corrugated Sales. “We have formed an excellent team who have worked extremely hard to get this state-of-the-art facility up and running. Equipped with highly automated machinery, this facility will enable us to respond swiftly to customer demands while maintaining superior lead times and product quality.”

The Greif CorrChoice Dallas plant will primarily make triple wall sheets and jumbo boxes and will have capabilities that include inline gluing and stitching. These products will serve the industrial and agricultural industries. For more information about Greif corrugated solutions, please visit greif.com/corrugated-sheets.

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إن عبوات الورق من شركة Greif هي وسيلة إعادة تدوير إيجابية. وبعبارة بسيطة، فإننا نعيد تدوير أكثر مما ننتج! ومن المفيد أن معظم عبوات الورق التي نستخدمها مصنوعة من مصدر متجدد ومستصلح - الحاويات المموجة القديمة. بعبارة أخرى، علبة البيتزا القديمة!

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