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Greif CorrChoice Mason


Greif Green 300 dpi

Greif CorrChoice Mason

Litho Lamination and Corrugated Sheets

700 طريق عدن
Mason, MI 48854
الولايات المتحدة

Litho Lamination and Corrugated Sheets in Mason, MI

We are proud to offer Litho Lamination and Corrugated Sheets from the Greif plant in Mason, MI. The address of this facility is 700 Eden Road, Mason, MI 48854, United States.

Greif offers litho lamination services in Mason, Michigan, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Pyro, Pennsylvania. Lithol lamination is a process that combines a high-quality printed top sheet with a corrugated base, preventing score cracking and providing a superior printed package.

Many customers choose litho-laminated corrugated sheets for higher quality printing results, prevention of score cracking, and the convenience of having prelaminated sheets. The value of prelam is in the elimination of the lamination process on the customer’s end.


التصفيح الليثو

CorrChoice Mason – Litho Lamination and Corrugated Sheets
700 طريق عدن
Mason MI 48854
الولايات المتحدة
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