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Increased Communication Helps Greif Algeria Achieve Customer Service Success

Greif’s Rigid Industrial Packaging and Services plant in Arzew, Algeria recently achieved a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 91 in the eighth wave of conducting the globally recognized survey with customers. This is the highest score the plant has earned since Greif adopted the survey in October 2015.

NPS is a metric used to measure the loyalty of customers to a company. Based on the global NPS standards, a score of 55 is considered a best in class score in manufacturing. A 70 score or higher in any field is considered “world class.” The NPS allows Greif to gather feedback from customers as it progresses towards its vision of, in industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world.

“We have developed a high level of trust with our customers which in turn leads to good customer satisfaction,” said Smaine Akacem, business unit manager in Arzew. “We have delivered customer service training to all our staff and been very successful in spreading the customer service culture throughout the plant at all levels. We work hard to ensure that it is easy for customers to do business with us.”

The team in Algeria credits increased communication for the increased trust with its customers which has continually improved its NPS score. Instead of waiting for customers to contact them, the facility team members are more proactive with their communication to customers so they can stay ahead of any question or issue that might arise.

“Customers appreciate our way of being proactive,” said Akacem. “They know we are 100 percent engaged to serve their needs and always be available to take care of them.”

In addition to the customer service commitment, a long term-plan has been implemented to eliminate constraints that compromise quality or delivery times.

An investment plan is being executed to upgrade productivity levels within the plant, which includes investment in a new pressure differential tester, a new bead expander hydraulic unit and a fully automated ends feeding system.

 “Our strategy is to differentiate from our competitors by offering customers incomparable service and quality, said Akacem. “We achieve this by focusing on our quality management systems and processes and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. This is a journey and we will continue to progress. Without the commitment and engagement from the team we could not have achieved what we have to date.”

Greif Algeria has a team of 45 colleagues. It is a producer of large steel drums for the chemicals, lubricants and food sectors.


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