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شركة Greif Investment توسع طاقتها الإنتاجية في مجال الحاويات المتوسطة الحجم المخصصة لحفظ المواد الغذائية

استثمرت شركة Greif مؤخرًا في آلة نفخ أخرى متطورة لمضاعفة قدرتها الإنتاجية الداخلية لحاويات IBC في منشأتها في إيدي بهولندا.

The new blow molder machine operates with food safe hydraulic oil, active carbon filtered air and bacteria free cooling water, and will allow Greif to meet its growing demand for food grade IBCs. The machine is located in a cleanroom environment,

The investment adds to the existing machine installed last year, boosting the output capacity of Greif’s Ede facility over 1,500 per day.

FSSC 22000 is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative.

Greif’s multi-million euro facility in Ede has been designed to offer customers the very latest IBC technologies available to the market, with a specific focus on the food industry offering the highest standards in the IBC market.  


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