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GCUBE Connect offers Real-Time Tracking for IBCs

gcube connect

Greif’s reconditioning facility in Lille, France, has taken significant steps to innovate its customer logistics associated with IBC reconditioning services.

Traditionally, empty IBCs were picked up and delivered to a single location for an individual customer. Now, IBCs get routed from sites located anywhere along a customer’s supply chain. After reconditioning, IBCs get delivered to the customer where they need them most, significantly improving IBC logistics.

Additionally, Greif has innovated smart packaging technologies into the GCUBE IBC line to help customers enhance performance, reduce waste, and conserve resources. Greif’s GCUBE Connect solution gives real-time tracking information about a customer’s IBC through the application of an Internet of Things-based device.

A customer-based dashboard displays an IBC’s location, the level of the filled product, and the environmental temperature in real-time. This dashboard allows customers to plan for deliveries of filled products and the arrival of new IBCS. It also allows them to schedule the collection of empty IBCs.

GCUBE Connect also supports better management of residual product left in an IBC after use. Each IBC entering Greif’s facility gets automatically weighed to determine how much residue remains in the container and how the container gets subsequently handled.

GCUBE Connect positively impacts sustainability 

GCUBE Connect plays a small but significant role in the bigger picture of the sustainability movement. The program is like an unbeatable diet in that it works without changing much in the way of habits and day-to-day operations and incentivizes cost savings. It’s automated and easy – leading to quick and effective adoption. 

Solutions to the problems of today and tomorrow (today’s problems are tomorrow’s if unmanaged) rarely come from a singular source; it’s a multitude of impactful solutions that confluence at a meaningful resolution to the world’s most significant concerns. A sustainable world is among the most important examples of this actuality. 

Like building blocks, impactful solutions like GCUBE Connect combine to form foundational strength. 

How GCUBE Connect helps customers and leads to sustainability

GCUBE Connect supports inventory optimization and limits wasteful practices involving overstocks, spoiled products (temperature monitoring), manual checks of product levels, and large warehouse spaces that might otherwise be greenspace. 

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