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مدونة, قصة محلية

Discover Our Wide Range of Packaging Solutions at Specialty and Agro Chemicals America 2024

Specialty & Agro Chemicals America

Greif will be exhibiting at the upcoming Specialty and Agro Chemicals America event in Savannah, Georgia, from June 25 to 27, 2024. This marks a significant milestone for Greif, as it will be the first time IPackChem will exhibit under the Greif banner since the recent acquisition. We look forward to showcasing a comprehensive array of packaging solutions that cater to the diverse needs of our customers.

Visit us at booth #507

We understand the importance of reliable, sustainable packaging in the specialty and agrochemical industries. That’s why we’re bringing our full spectrum of products – from industrial packaging and paper products to sustainable closures and a host of newly added offerings resulting from our strategic acquisitions over the past two years.

This exhibition is not just about showcasing our products; it’s about demonstrating how they work together to provide thorough solutions for our customers. From our sustainable EcoBalance Samba caps to customizable NexDrums, each product has been designed with you in mind.

Whether you’re looking for eco-friendly packaging or our most recent additions in industrial packaging, our team is eager to meet you and discuss how we can support your business’s unique needs. انقر هنا to register for the event and learn more about our products tailored to the global specialty and agrochemical markets.

See you at Specialty and Agro Chemicals America 2024!

Specialty and Agro Chemicals Products

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