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دعم سلسلة التوريد العالمية لتغليف المواد الغذائية [GCUBE IBC]




Investment in our GCUBE Food IBC capabilities for the food and beverage industry continues as we expand our footprint of facilities, invest in food safe technology, equipment, and materials, and strive for the highest certifications in food safety.

Greif’s IBC facilities in Alsip, IL, and Lavonia, GA, have been a crucial part of the strategy to grow and support food-related market opportunities, with significant investment in state-of-the-art blow molding machines and cleanliness procedures. Both facilities continue to hold a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognized SQF certification, marking another vital sign of progress and assuring operational integrity to food customers. “In addition to the two currently certified plants, we are currently evaluating our third NA plant in Baytown, TX,” said Kevin Kling, Greif NA IBC and Plastic Product Manager.

Greif’s IBC accessories site in Bottanuco, Italy, holds the FSSC 22000 certificate, which like SQF, is another GFSI-recognized scheme. Investment has been made in a high-care production department, with a unique blue resin floor, to further enhance the site’s cleanliness and eliminate the presence of wooden pallets from the operational areas, removing any risk of potential contamination.

Enhancements have also been made to our IBC accessories to ensure they are fully compatible with food products.

Examples include the over-coated HDPE disc and GCUBE branded butterfly valve aluminum foil seal designed to remove the risk of product counterfeiting while reassuring customers of improved product protection.

“All of these recent developments and investments demonstrate Greif’s commitment to delivering the highest level of cleanliness and food safety standards to its customers,” said Kling. “Customers can be assured that the full GCUBE Food portfolio supply chain is produced in highly controlled, safe facilities using the latest technologies and fully automated production and assembly lines.”

Greif’s GCUBE Food packaging solutions typically support the following products:

  • fruit concentrates
  • dairy products
  • honey
  • edible oils
  • glucose and liquid sugars
  • alcohol-based ingredients
  • beverage ingredients


Our wide range of specifications and unique features allows you to customize your IBCs to meet your needs. The resulting product is tailor-made for you and your applications.

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