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شركة Greif Sweden ترعى يوم العائلة لنادي كرة القدم المحلي

خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الأخيرة من شهر يونيو، كانت شركة Greif Sweden فخورة برعاية نادي كرة القدم المحلي Rinia IF ويومهم العائلي. Rinia هي

Rinia is a football club with a lot of heart that involves many young people and also shows a social responsibility that reaches far outside of the football field.

Three of our fantastic colleagues that are active in Rinia IF volunteered to handle the barbecue.

A big thank you to Burim, Naim, and Gentrit!!!

Rinia family day

About Rinia IF

Rinia IF has always strived to play offensive and exciting fotboll, which has often attracted many spectators, both at home and away! The community that supports the team is like family. 

The team’s website says it best “We are Rinia IF! We are more than a football team! We are a FAMILY!”

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