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Greif Winfield

طبول فولاذية

طبلة فولاذية خفيفة


7604 Railroad Ave
Winfield, Kansas 67156
الولايات المتحدة

Steel drums in Winfield, Kansas

The Greif facility located at 7604 Railroad Ave, Winfield, Kansas 67156, produces steel drums. Greif is a leading global producer of steel barrels. Their facility in Winfield, Kansas, is strategically located between major industrial cities like Witchita, Kansas, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and Tulsa, Oklahoma. This advantageous placement allows for easy access to transportation routes, making it convenient to distribute their products to various customers throughout the region and around the globe. The facility is equipped with the latest technology and machinery, ensuring high-quality production of steel drums. With a commitment to sustainability and innovation, Greif’s Winfield facility is at the forefront of the steel barrel industry.

دائرية الأسطوانة الفولاذية 

تعرف على كيفية عدم انتهاء دورة حياة البراميل الفولاذية بالضرورة بمجرد تسليمها إلى عملائنا. سواء تم استصلاحها كخردة معدنية أو تم تجديدها لاستخدام جديد، فإن الأعمار العديدة للبراميل الفولاذية تشكل قصة نجاح دائرية.

Attention greif - Winfield CUSTOMERs

المستقبل هو الآن .

Greif+ is here and ready for orders in Winfield, KS. What that means for you is a simpler, more efficient way to do business with Greif.

Winfield – Steel Drums
7604 Railroad Ave
Winfield كانساس 67156
الولايات المتحدة
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