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Greif Guadalajara


Guadalajara Warehouse

Greif Guadalajara


Rotonda N. 15, Col. Alamo Industrial
CP Jalisco 44490

Serving Mexico's third-largest metropolitan area with on-hand industrial packaging

Located in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico, this warehouse is used for product storage and logistic efficiency for customers in the western portion of central Mexico. Guadalajara is a metropolitan area in western Mexico and, as of 2020, ranked as the third-largest city in the country.

Customers include companies producing and distributing lubricants, paints, solvents, resins, food, and adhesives. As a customer service excellence leader supporting all business types in terms of their industrial packaging.

Guadalajara – Warehouse
Rotonda N. 15, Col. Alamo Industrial
Guadalajara Jalisco 44490
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