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Greif York

الأنابيب والأنوية


Greif York

الأنابيب والأنوية

2510 شمال شارع جورج.
York, PA 17406
الولايات المتحدة 

معلومات المنتج

Tubes and Cores in York, PA

York, Pennsylvania, is a small city west of Philadelphia that dates back to the days before the founding of the United States. Greif has a corrugated tube plant there at 2510 North George St. York, PA 17406.

Paper tubes and cores, often overlooked yet integral to a plethora of industries, serve as the cornerstone of diverse packaging solutions. From humble household items to sophisticated electronic components, their ubiquitous presence underscores their fundamental role in shaping the landscape of contemporary commerce.

Greif uses recycled paperboard and in-house adhesives expertise to produce its tube and core products. beyond being made from recycled materials, corrugated tube and core products are themselves recyclable, contributing significantly to environmental sustainability. This aspect is increasingly important as industries seek to reduce their carbon footprint.

York – Tube Plant
2510 شمال شارع جورج.
York السلطة الفلسطينية 17406
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