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Greif Wright City

طبول الألياف

تبرز في بحر من براميل الألياف

Greif Wright City

طبول الألياف

13400 طريق فيترانز ميموريال باركواي
Wright City, MO 63390
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معلومات المنتج

Fiber drums for sale in Saint Louis, MO.

To the west of Saint Louis, MO, sits the town of Wright City, where Greif has a fiber drum plant serving the area around STL. Greif is known for industrial packaging like the fiber drums made at 13400 Veterans Memorial Parkway, Wright City, MO, 63390.

Founded in 1877, Greif has grown to become a global leader in industrial packaging, with operations all over the globe. The Wright City plant, which has been in operation since 1989, produces a variety of fiber drums that are used for packaging and transporting a range of products, from chemicals and pharmaceuticals to food and beverages. With a commitment to sustainability, Greif’s fiber drums are made from renewable and recyclable materials, making them an environmentally friendly packaging solution. The 120,000-square-foot Wright City plant is an important contributor to the local economy.

Wright City – Fibre Drums
13400 طريق فيترانز ميموريال باركواي
Wright City MO 63390
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