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Greif Houston


Stand Out in a Sea of Fibre Drums

Greif Houston

طبول الألياف

10700 طريق سترانج
Shoreacres, TX 77571
الولايات المتحدة

Paper drums in Houston, Texas

Located at 10700 Strang Road, Shoreacres, TX 77571, this Greif location manufactures drums from paperboard. Fibre drums are a longstanding source for packaging needs. Their inherent sustainability makes them remain popular.

خدمات دورة الحياة التي تركز على الاستدامة

قابلة لإعادة الاستخدام وإعادة التدوير

Many fibre drum applications allow for recycling or reuse several times before they need to be recycled.

Houston – Fibre Drums
10700 طريق سترانج
Houston TX 77571
الولايات المتحدة
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