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Greif Englishtown

طبول الألياف

تبرز في بحر من براميل الألياف

Greif Englishtown

طبول الألياف

200 ريك درايف 
Millstone, NJ 08535 
الولايات المتحدة

معلومات المنتج

Fiber drum makers in Trenton New Jersey

Greif is a leading producer of fiber drums in North America. Greif Englishtown is a producer of those drums and is located at 200 Rike Drive, Millstone, NJ 08535. The location is east of Trenton, NJ.

The facility at Greif Englishtown is equipped with advanced technology to ensure high-quality and efficient production. The drums produced at this plant are used for a variety of applications, including packaging of chemicals, food products, and pharmaceuticals. With a team of skilled and experienced employees, Greif Englishtown is able to meet the demands of its customers and maintain its reputation as a top producer in the industry.

The location of the plant, near major transportation routes, allows for easy distribution of the fiber drums to customers across the country. Additionally, the plant follows strict safety and environmental standards in its production process, making it a responsible and sustainable choice for customers. Overall, the Greif Englishtown plant is a vital part of the company’s operations and plays a significant role in meeting the packaging needs of various industries.

دائرية أسطوانة الألياف

تعاون مع Greif لإعادة تدوير أو إعادة استخدام براميل الألياف الخاصة بك وإضفاء حياة جديدة على استخدامها. تم تصميم براميل الألياف بالفعل لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من الاستخدام المحدود للمواد الخام، وتعمل المفاهيم المبتكرة الجديدة على جعل براميل الألياف قصة نجاح دائرية.

Attention greif - Englishtown CUSTOMERs

المستقبل هو الآن .

Greif+ is here and ready for orders. What that means for you is a simpler, more efficient way to do business with Greif.

Englishtown – Fibre Drums
200 ريك درايف
Millstone NJ 8535
الولايات المتحدة
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