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Greif Rio de Janeiro

طبول فولاذية


Greif Rio de Janeiro

طبول فولاذية

Av. Brasil; 6135 Bonsucesso- RJ 21040-360

معلومات المنتج

11,000 square meters of innovative steel drum manufacturing

The Rio de Janeiro plant produces 540K units annually from its 11,000 square meter production footprint. The steel drum line makes 200-210 liter drums, and internal cutting lines create the body and disc components that become the steel drum assembly. The sustainability-focused team in Rio has repeatedly sought and found ways to reduce energy consumption. Their thermo-retractable sleeve LSD decoration system creates an innovative solution for drum branding.
Rio de Janeiro – Steel Drums
Avenida Brasil, 6135
Rio de Janeiro Bonsucesso 21040-360
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