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Greif Phoenix

الأنابيب والأنوية


Greif Phoenix

الأنابيب والأنوية

225 S 51st St,
Phoenix, AZ 85034
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معلومات المنتج

Corrugated tubes in Phoenix, AZ

The Greif production plant, located at 225 South 51st Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85034, produces corrugated packaging tubes. It’s ideally situation on the north end of Tempe, AZ. 

The tubes created here are used for a variety of purposes, including shipping and storing goods, as well as for display and promotional materials. The plant uses the latest technology and quality adhesives to manufacture high-quality packaging tubes that meet the specific needs and requirements of its clients.

The facility near Tempe also prides itself on its commitment to sustainability, with a focus on reducing waste and implementing eco-friendly practices throughout the production process. The Greif production plant in Phoenix is a vital part of the company’s global network and plays a crucial role in meeting the packaging needs of customers in the southwestern United States.

Phoenix – Tubes and Cores
225 South 51st Street
Phoenix AZ 85034
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