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Greif Hazleton


رمادي أخضر 300 نقطة في البوصة

Greif Hazleton

IBC and Plastic Drums

95 جيسي درايف 
PA 18202 
الولايات المتحدة

معلومات المنتج

Packaging in Pennsylvania

The Greif facility located at 95 Jaycee Dr, Hazleton, PA 18202, specializes in manufacturing IBCs and Plastic Drums. These products are used for a variety of applications, ranging from food and pharmaceutical products to industrial and care-intensive materials.

Greif is committed to providing customers with safe and reliable packaging solutions. Their dedication to quality and safety is unmatched in the industry. Their commitment to customer service and satisfaction is evident in their long history of focusing on their customers’ needs.

Greif also follows strict regulatory standards and has a team of highly trained personnel who ensure that every product is manufactured in accordance with the most stringent standards.

About Intermediate Bulk Containers
Intermediate bulk containers (IBC) are large, reusable containers used for storing and transporting liquids, powders, and other bulk materials. They are typically made from high-density polyethylene and have a very large capacity. They are designed to be stackable, which makes them ideal for storage and transportation in warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and other industrial settings.
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Hazleton – IBC and Plastic Drums
95 جيسي درايف
Hazleton السلطة الفلسطينية 18202
الولايات المتحدة
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