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Tri-Sure Araucária

GPA Brazil 01

Tri-Sure Araucária

إغلاقات التغليف

أف دوس بينهيريس؛ 465 Estação Araucaria- PR
Araucaria Paraná 83705-575

Tri-Sure Brazil serves South America with industrial closures

ال تري-شور plant in Araucária serves South America and beyond with an array of metal and plastic industrial closures. The sprawling factory floor covers 12,500 square meters. From the development lab to the shipping department, there’s a lot of innovation in place throughout this state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.

Tri-Sure Araucária – Packaging Closures
أف دوس بينهيريس؛ 465 Estação Araucaria- PR
Araucaria Paraná 83705-575
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