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أخبار, بيان صحفي

افتتحت شركة Greif منشأة حديثة للمواد اللاصقة في سينسيناتي، أوهايو

Greif has opened a new adhesives manufacturing facility in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The state-of-the-art facility, which came online in Q4 2023, adds new capacity to the company’s water-based adhesive manufacturing. This becomes the third location in the Greif Adhesives Group network, along with Kernersville, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Texas.

“We are excited to make the opening of our new manufacturing facility in Cincinnati official” said Rick Moreland, Vice President, and General Manager of the Greif Adhesives Group. “Not only does this facility bring new jobs to the region, but it also strengthens our position as a leader in the adhesives market by giving us an important strategic foothold in the Midwest.”

Greif’s water-based adhesives are used in a variety of industries and applications including tube and core construction, corrugated, boxboard, gypsum, and furniture manufacturing, as well as high-speed bulk lamination. For more information about Greif adhesives, please visit www.greif.com/adhesives


For media inquiries, please contact:

Erin Grove

PPS Marketing Communications Manager

erin.grove@greif.com / +1.980.384.4743

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