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Digital Series

Leadership Conversations

Leadership Conversations

Hubert Joly & Ole Rosgaard Talk Leading Through Uncertainty

Hubert Joly, the former CEO of Best Buy, and Ole Rosgaard, the CEO of Greif, discuss leadership, diversity, inclusion, and navigating challenging times. The two discuss the importance of diversity and inclusion in a leadership team, the qualities of a good leader, and how to navigate periods of uncertainty and change.

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image for a conversation called translating purpose to strategy
Leadership Conversations

Hubert Joly & Ole Rosgaard Talk Translating Purpose to Strategy

Hubert Joly, the former CEO of Best Buy, and Ole Rosgaard, the CEO of Greif, discuss the importance of company purpose, human-focused leadership, and the role of business in society. The conversation also touched on personal journeys and experiences in leadership roles.

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