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Award Winning Artist and Greif Colleague

Ambition, creativity and expertise is at the heart of everything Jacky Stereberg does – whether he is working as the production supervisor of the printing department at Greif Israel or painting his next award-winning masterpiece.

Jacky’s passion for art began during his childhood. Always very attentive to his surroundings and an avid reader of art and history books, Jacky became inspired to paint. He decided to formally study at an art academy, where he advanced his understanding of the use of colors, techniques, screen printing, and painting. Specializing in oil painting on canvas, Jacky has the ability to paint using various techniques and to create meaningful, symbolic pieces.

 “For me, the beginning of the painting process is like a sunset – layers of juxtaposed colors, one over the other on the canvas – like the sun, rising towards Noon, shaping the lines and colors of our environment and defining them in each layer, until reaching the sublime moment of decision that the painting has been complete.”

Jacky’s eye for color, systematic approach to work, and goal setting have proven to be beneficial contributions to his role at Grief. He uses his ambition and creativity in the work he does with the roller coating line and is working on the development of screen printing, which combines his passion for art with company innovation.

“Since the time of Leonardo DiVinci, art has been closely linked to technology,” Jacky says.

Currently Jacky is working on two art exhibitions. One of the projects is a collection of 30 Israeli artists’ work, which will be exhibited in Tel Aviv to honor National Blind Day.

Below are examples of Jacky’s work:


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