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Mississauga Achieves Safety Milestone of 2,000 days

On August 2, 2024, the Mississauga, Ontario team of colleagues celebrated their new safety milestone of 2,000 days incident-free. Doug Shearer, Plant Manager, remarked, “This is a tremendous group effort that the Mississauga Team has achieved with a lot of open discussion and addressing concerns as they arise.” The Mississauga team incorporates several best practices each day to ensure Zero Harm. Those actions include:

  • Always looking out for each other
  • Holding open discussions on Safety concerns
  • CBSQ – with discussion on any findings

Collectively, the team is committed to the phrase: Safety is doing the right thing – Even when no one is watching. When the team achieved their official new milestone, they celebrated together with a special lunch and cake. Kevin Frost, Director & GM – IPG East Region remarked, “We’re very proud of the Mississauga team’s commitment to working safely and taking care of each other. Congratulations on an incredible milestone at 2,000 days!”

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